Anak’s Procedure Day

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 Putting this up here for memories. 

Anak was admitted over the weekend for an elective procedure under GA after being postponed since 2020. Initially I was worried it will be postponed again as she was still recovering from URTI despite being COVID negative. Kept bugging S asking all these questions and she calmly entertained me 🥰. During GA assessment, the GA MO also reassured me saying she passed her assessment and could proceed with the procedure. Hearing that, I gladly signed all the consents. 

Throughout the admission, anak has been such an angel. While the other kids were crying when the nurse wanted to measure their weight and took their vitals, she went through it like a champ. Even when the doctors examined her. She also sat on her bed patiently when I went to the bathroom or filled up my water bottle. With the help of Paw Patrol, of course. 

When it was time for her to fast, of course she kept asking to nenen 😅. Until she was too tired and fell asleep. Moments after that, the nurse told me it was her turn to go to OT. She was cranky for being woken up to change her clothes but soon settled and while waiting at the OT, she fell back to sleep. Didn’t even wake up when the anaes pushed the propofol in. Well, she did fuss a bit but her eyes remained closed lol. 

Also, a happy coincidence that S was working during her procedure day so it felt like I have an insider updating me with her progress which helped to calm me. 

Once she was at the recovery bay and I could be at her side again, she was still sleeping as the sedation was still in effect. You know how people say about people under sedation act? While she was sleeping, I knew she was dreaming about nenen because of her tongue movement lol. When we were in the ward, she was still drowsy and when she did open her eyes she was like nyum2 while pointing to the food on the table and before I could feed her she was out again 😆. Kesian ba kelaparan sampai terbawa2 dalam mimpi. 

She was the 4th out of 6 or 7 cases scheduled and she was done and back in the ward by 2-ish. She slept until 5 or 6 pm and when she woke up, she insisted on eating a packet pf biscuits and 2 slices of watermelon. Which she vomited back (twice) just before the nurse came with our discharge notes lol. So we ended up staying another night as the sedation might still be in her system. Hence the vomiting. While the other 2 kids who were in the same room as us (and one was the last case on the list) able to go back on the same day. 

Discharge day was uneventful. Didn’t pay a single cent as I was using bae’s GL. Thank you government. 

All in all, everything went quite smoothly. Special thanks to the main team, Dr Meryam and Ms Aini, and GA team, Dr Gajen, Dr Jasmin, and one other dr that I didn’t catch her name. To the nurses and other hospital staff. And of course, the one person that I have been bugging since way before the anak was scheduled for the procedure, S. 

Oh, before I forget. When the nurse wanted to insert IV line, of course anak cried and  of course I cried too lol. 

Hopefully anak will recover soon. Her body felt quite warm last night but I didn’t have the thermometer with me so not sure if she is feverish or not. Also since we don’t have our nanny anymore and play school won’t accept sick kids and my annual leave is quite limited…so, yeah. Even her runny nose hasn’t completely clear up. 

Till then. 

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