Words could build and kill at the same time.

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What came out and meant as a joke could tear one's heart to pieces.

In medical school, we learned that an individual's threshold toward pain varies from one person to the other. In other words, what hurt you the most might only hurt me a little.

Do you get what I'm trying to say?

Let me rephrase and put it in the context.

What I said might hurt you, but when you said it back to me, I might not mind it at all.

So do you get me now?

I tried not to take what you said seriously because I understand you were joking. But it still doesn't change the fact that I hated what you said to me. Don't get me wrong. I hated what you SAID. Not you.

Honestly, I don't really mind if it was the first time you blurt it out. Yes, I understand that we need to voice out our opinions (although sometimes I don't really give a shit. If I really wanted other people's opinions, I would have asked). But if you keep on saying that, it would start to get on my nerves.

Moral of the story: don't make a joke at someone's expense. It might seems funny to you, but it might hurt that someone. Besides, who wants to be laughed at?

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