Zagazig for the second time

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Once arrived, we (Khalilah, Lily, Karl - our musyrif - and me) went to a restaurant called Maxim for dinner. I would rate the restaurant 3 out of 5 stars. 1 star was deducted because the waiter a way...rude. Maybe he thought he was being...I dunno...culture-wise? Smart? But if he was, he wouldn't greet us with 'Ni hao'. Yes, I know we get that all the time, but it doesn't mean I hate it even less. No, I do not have anything against Chinese, I just hate how they couldn't differentiate between a Chinese and Malaysian. That other 1 star was because our food came late - but it's not exactly a fast food restaurant, so there's nothing much I could do about that.

Ze food we ordered

Spent the rest of the night basically just hanging out with them (some of the guys who didn't play DOTA came).

The next day, after going to Mahattah (read: station), we made kek batik, while Lily made 'kuah kacang'. We were still full after eating at Shuk's house (chicken rice and steamboat :D) so we ate them for breakfast instead.

Why the heck do I write in a very detailed way? -__-

Anyway, I learned to play guitar with Lily, and hurt my fingers in the process. It's supposed to hurt if you were a beginner, right? At least I could (almost) play two songs already. The first one is Romanza - or something - and the other one is Giving Up by Ingrid Michaelson. It makes me want to buy guitar even more. Already asked mum if I could, and she said yes, as long as I don't forget my studies. Yay! Maybe I could work on my tone deafness after that. Haha.

Wish me luck :)

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