Free Education

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I guess it's a hot issue right now in Malaysia. To be honest, I don't know much about this stuff. Too lazy to google it up (and I will be having a test tomorrow, so...), hence I can't comment much about this.

But one thing do come to mind when 'free education' is mentioned. The educators. I mean, isn't it why we paid for the education in the first place? OK, maybe the educators are not being paid directly by the money *we* paid. But isn't the money being used to provide a conducive place for education? Or perhaps material used for the educational sessions? These thoughts came to mind when I first saw this video.

What if the 'educatee' (as opposed of educator) isn't that great in the first place? Is he entitled to free education too? 

Ah, I'm too uninformed about this to make a lengthy comment. And I don't like giving comment myself. So I guess I'll just resume back to reading the tweets and blog posts.

P/s: I like this post.

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