Race against time

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Who will win?

Took this photo at Ramsis Station. We were rushing because there were so many people and they walked at fast pace so we need to go with the flow, or we would be pushed and shoved along the way. I have no idea why I took this photo in the first place. Either I wanted to show how many people were there at that time or how the station has changed over time. I was walking while taking this, so at first I thought the picture will turn out blurry, but I like how the camera managed to focus on the uncle. Admittedly, this is not a very flattering picture. Maybe the composition is off or whatever term you photographers used to describe/comment/criticize a picture. But whatever.



We always find ourselves rushing, trying to win this race against Time. Sometimes, you win. Sometimes, you don't.

I'm on the race too. I almost reach the finishing line, and I'm sprinting towards it. But the thing is, I'm not a sprinter. Not even sure if I'm a runner. Time, on the other hand, is a regular. He could easily overtake me, even at the very last seconds. And the fact that I'm easily distracted is not helping either (for example, I should be studying at the moment since we'll be having a practical exam at 9 AM but surprise, surprise here I am).

So, in this race - Time with his Seconds and me with my studies, who do you think will win? Do I even have a shot?

Till next post :)

P/s: Pray for us.

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