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Been away from the Net quite a while. Well, to say that I'm completely away from the Net is not true, since I still check my FB and Twitter accounts regularly. But it's been quite a while since I went online on my laptop. The last time was couple of days ago, when I need to find some figures for my assignment. This might be the longest time I manage for not doing my regular Net surfing. Not that I wanted to. It's only because there's (still) no wifi at the moment. Can't really do much about it. Plus, the fact that I haven't spend all my time online made me a bit more productive in my study. I actually revised and did notes on today's lectures. The free time also makes me able to watch the movies I have in my laptop. Which also means I could finally delete them (after watching them of course) which leads to more space on my hard disk.

However, I do miss chatting with my friends. Not that I spent lots of time talking to lots of my friends. I think there's only one person I regularly chat with on FB. The same with Skype. And even then, the person rarely went on Skype (note that the persons on Skype and FB ars two different persons).

Fingers crossed that there will be wifi soon. And I still able to keep my momentum in my study.

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