Not much of a movie review: Something Borrowed

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You want to know what frustrates me sometimes? Females. Yes, I get frustrated with my own gender.

Well I will rant about it later. What really gets on my nerve right now is the plot of Something Borrowed (the movie).

Before continuing on, I must say, I've never read the novel yet, but the title sounds so familiar, so I can't really be 100% sure about that. What with all those novels I've read, sometimes the stories will get mixed up and everything.

So moving on with the movie. WARNING: SPOILER ALERT!

Doesn't it frustrate you to see two people that rightfully belong to each other do not end up together just because they do not let the other knows about their feeling? Even if they did tell the other, they decided to tell him (or her) when it's too late. When one of them is about to get married or something.

So that's one thing that frustrates me. Rachel and Dex not confessing their feelings to each other. Rachel, are you so blind with the fact that he's so head over heels for you? You've been in the same school with him for four frigging years (I'm assuming it takes four years to finish law school) for God's sake! And Dex, why the hell have you not make a move on her during all those years? You're a man! Take a risk! Gosh. But no, you decided to go out with her best friend, and even got engaged with her! What a numpty.

I know in the end everything worked out just fine, that you guys ended up together anyway, but if you had confessed about your feelings, you could save all those money for the wedding (after all, it was one week before your wedding with Darcy) and you could date each other from early on.

So, to people out there with an ego the size of a football field and not telling that one person how you really feel about him/her, I just wanted to say, if you guys didn't end up together, serves you right.

Here's another thing about the movie that frustrates me.

When Rachel and Ethan were outside the pub waiting for taxi, she asked him why he wouldn't marry her. To which, he replied humorously, because he liked her too much (or is it loved her too much?). Fast forward, Rachel was in Ethan's house, pouring her feelings out about Dex, telling him how she wanted to be someone's first choice, and bla bla bla, Ethan confessed to her how he's in love with her. I was literally crying and yelling 'WTF are you waiting for? He's that guy, he has always been there for you, go kiss him already!' Well, I didn't really say that, buy you get my point. Did she kiss him though? No. Instead, she just smiled, sat next to him and patted him on the back or something.

Hello? What the hell is wrong with you, Rachel? You just said you wanted to be someone's first choice, and right then Ethan told you how he felt about you, yet you decided to blew it off? You still wanted, hoped, that you would be with Dex. I know falling in love is not something that you could force, but after all those feeling of guilt about sleeping with your best friend's fiance, about hurting your best friend, you think you would at least have the common sense to back out from the 'affair' and at least try to see if things would work out between you and Ethan.


By the way, here's a link to a forum on IMDB, which pretty much summed (more or less) what I felt about this Rachel and Ethan thingy.

OK enough ranting about the movie.

In case you're still clueless about what I've been saying, it's about this movie called Something Borrowed, which was based on a novel of the same title (heh I should start my post with this, shouldn't I?). The novel has a sequel called Something Blue and I'm hoping there will be a sequel for the movie too. Since there's this scene at the end of the movie, during the credits, where Darcy was in London and calling for Ethan, who then ran away from her, and then it ended with a 'To Be Continued'. WTF directors/producers etc don't give hope for a sequel if you don't intend to make a sequel in the first place.

O-kay. That's it for tonight.


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