Diary VS Blog

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I feel bad for not writing here for almost two months. I really do. I would click on Blogger.com repeatedly, everyday, but I still couldn't bring myself to write anything. Even when my hands were itching to write something. In the end, I make use of my abandoned diary (the last I'd written in the diary was on 2010).

It reminds me of how I used to love writing. Physically. In fact, I've been writing in diaries since I was 12 years old! I remember writing it in secret "codes" (after I cracked my friend's codes, and in the end, she taught me the whole thing lol...it was quite easy actually) for a while, and can't read it after few years. Haha. I lost the first diary (it was just a plain exercise book wrapped with a green/white gift wrap), but I still keep the other 4 diaries, including the latest one.

Reading them brings different kinds of emotions. Embarrassed, for writing in such a childish manner (well, depending on your view of a kid, I was still a kid back then), for writing about such petty issues (I still do it though), elated, for recalling those joyous moments, sad and angry, for the not-so-joyous moments. And to relive the memories I had once forgotten. It was a roller coaster ride of emotion, I tell you.

Speaking of reliving memories, I dug through my memorabilia boxes and old letters (yes, I love writing to people too, even though I have no idea what to write about) the other day, but I guess this story is for another time.

Back to the topic in hand.

In some ways, blogging is more or less (bordering on more) like a diary to me. What I write here is usually what I would write in my diary. Hence, the regular not so intellectual, mind-challenging contents (do forgive me, but reading this is your option anyway, so why do I apologize again?). However, compared to the brutally honest and blunt truth I (usually) practiced (?) in my diary, the blog is more...reader-friendly. I fully acknowledge the fact that mum (and little bro too haha) will read word by word what I've written here, so you will not find anything scandalous here :P

Anyway, with this post, I will start posting regularly. At least more often than these past two months. What would you like me to write? Everything sounds outdated (serves me right for postponing the blogging).

Ah well, till then :)

1 comment:

  1. yeay! blogging-blogging la selalu. i'm your faithful reader! :D

    go nisa go! *\m/*


You know that you want to.