Twitter Addict?

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I think I spend way too much time on Twitter. OK scratch that. I know I spend way too much time on Twitter. Going through my tweets' archive, the tweets I've posted spiked for the last few months. And to remember the time when I promised myself not to tweet every single thing that is happening to me...Gosh.

Too much time on Twitter decreases my attention span. Basically, it's just toxic. So I'm going back to basic. Write a diary. I need to remind myself that I do not need to publicise every single petty things about my life.

I need new hobbies too. Just to distract myself whenever I feel the urge to tweet again. I dunno. Practise drawing? Learn photoshop/coding for my blog template (meh not this one cuz am too lazy to switch on the laptop lol)? Baking (meh not this one either since it involves buying ingredients and I'm kinda broke lol)? Write more and longer poems (or anything creative, really) for my Not A Poet blog?

Wow listing those things (and I'm sure there are other things I could be doing) makes me realize life is a lot more than just Twitter. Heh.

Ah well. Should go back to the books now.

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