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Currently in Paris. I wasn't really looking forward to visit Paris because a) the abundance of pickpockets, b) soooo many people, c) I'm starting to get bored since this is our second week of the trip (andthelastweekthankGod) and d) it is frigging snowing.

Don't get me wrong. I love snow. Very much. I just don't like the cold. The fact that you're alone, with no one to cuddle with, kinda hits you harder in this temperature lol.

I was pretty much moody yesterday. But while we were in the train, there's these 2 guys (I think), street musicians (is there another term?), played a familiar happy beat (but I couldn't recognize the name of the song) that lift up my mood. I was smiling by the end of it.

I guess Paris isn't that bad after all :)

And good music always help.


  1. The other name is 'busker', if my vocabulary serves me right :)

    And have I ever told you how envious I am?

  2. why yes, busker. thank you.

    aww don't be. could be your honeymoon trip. who knows.


You know that you want to.