Cruel Intentions

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One of the most cruel and evil things you could do is to say something that you don't mean.

To be fair, I'm not sure if he's just saying it, or he truly meant it (can someone please invent a lie detector app or something?). But being me - and not wanting to get my hopes high, plus, I am still in abstinence phase - I decided to believe it was the former.

There are times when (I was weak and) I believe he truly meant what he said and yes, it did make me smile. But those moments didn't last long because the next second, I imagined him laughing at me for being so naive and gullible and that he could easily 'have' me by just typing those silly little three words.

Sigh. I don't think this is healthy (for me). But then that's why most people love junk food, right?

Anyway (abrupt change of topic). I tried to draw but I just couldn't get the draft (?) right - albeit I tried once or twice. Then I felt guilty for spending time drawing (and blogging and watching movies) instead of studying so I stopped.

And back to study here I go.

P/s:You have no idea how much I miss you too.

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