When all hopes are lost, look at the bright side

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Even if it seems like pitch-black around you. Even if it seems like you are thrown into the deep dark ocean, and you feel like your breath is taken away from you with each passing second, and you could feel the water rushing into your lungs, and you know that might be the end of everything...

Ah...sometimes, that's how I feel. Like everything would go wrong and I couldn't survive. At times, I think about taking some meds. To improve my concentration or something. It's not that I have ADD (I think that's what it's called). But the thought of it is...I don't know...tempting?

Well, we still have another two papers. The last one was...I already knew I couldn't ace it, so there's no point in putting our hopes too high, isn't it? After all, it's just exam. What's the worst that could happen? It's not like you would be dead if you have to repeat the papers. So, cheer up and don't feel too depressed, Nisa :)

Ha. This might not make much sense to you. It doesn't meant to be anyway. This is just me trying to look at the bright side.


  1. Hoping for the best is definitely hard, but at least you've tried your best. Am no good in comforting others plus I may not experienced the med school tension just yet, but I hope this can cheer you up.

    Wishing you all the happiness in the world.

    Love, me :)

  2. Thanks luv.

    The bad thing is, I don't think I've tried my best. Everything is last minute.

    I guess IB won't be much of a difference with med school. But then, what do I know? :P

    And again, thanks :*


You know that you want to.