New Header

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Did it few hours ago using Sketchbook Mobile Express. Thanks to Ahmad to introduce it to me.

I was excited because I *finally* knew how to export the sketches as images. Before, I thought I would resort to print screen forever. Lol.

So anyway, I did mention about changing my whole layout. I'm thinking of using black-grey-white theme. Different shades of grey maybe. Because it's gender-neutral and easy on the eyes.

I did ask Sven's help for the header, but maybe I should do it myself. Lol. (If in the end I really did it by myself, then I'm sorry for taking your time - and troubling you - in the first place, Sven!)

I have a rough idea of how I want the layout to be, but I don't really know how to do it. I need lots of free time to scrutinize the codes of other layouts first. I thought I would get to do it during the spring break, but unfortunately, the break is also our study leave (more like study week) for our end of module 11 exam (cardiovascular system, if you are interested to know).

Speaking of exam, I just realized I still have tons to cover (what's new?), especially Pathology. Never really paid much attention during Patho lectures. Ah well. It's never too late to start.

Till next post :)

P/s: New doodles on S Memo.

The signatures on the right are my seniors'

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