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One of the main reasons why I hate PMS is the non-stop craving for food. Yes, I hate the craving even more than the pimples.

Let's see what I'd consumed so far for today.
  • Last night's leftovers for breakfast
  • A tomato and a handful of strawberries an hour or so after that
  • 2 bars of Mandolin, 18 g each (it's a biscuit and caramel bar) during lecture
  • 4 or 5 spoonful of Ili's fruit salad, also during the lecture
  • Dinner
  • And 3 or 4 bananas, throughout the day.
And I still feel like eating.

Which is not really a problem, because I do love eating, except that I'm trying to lose weight at the moment. Not that I'm overweight or something, but I would love to lose some of these kilos.


On unrelated note,
  • I'm thinking of cancelling the learn-to-play-guitar thingy. I don't think I'll be able to persevere. I'm borrowing my senior's at the moment.
  • Trying to do some physical activities (which mainly is skipping) every day
  • Got our last sem's result already.
  • I'm still wondering what to do/where to go during summer holiday. But most probably I will go back to Malaysia. Haven't ask mum yet, though.
  • Finished downloading the whole seasons for The Nanny. Yeap, till season 6.

Wanna find something edible. Bye.

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