Phone? Tablet?

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It's Galaxy Note!

(from here on will be referred as Note)

Because I cannot come up with a title of my own, I just used the original tag for the phone (phablet?).

This post is dedicated to Tati. Finally I got myself to blog about it, huh?

Note when compared to Ili's iPod Touch.

I won't be writing about the technical stuff. The specifications and stuff. Because first, I don't have a clue about it anyway and second, because you could simply google it.

Anyway, I think the buzz about Note is the screen. Yes, I admit, it is humongous. At times, I still feel awkward holding it in my hand, let alone holding it when taking a call. But you'll get used to it. In fact, I'm so used to stare at its gigantic screen, I was taken aback by how small my camera's (Nikon S4000) screen is compared to Note's (when I decided to check my camera out, after it had been neglected for quite some time). I thought the bigger screen means less typo for me (not that I've used phones with touchscreen before), but it's either I have fat fingers or using such phones makes you prone to typos. I prefer the latter.

The phone comes with a stylus, or S Pen. Nothing new about a stylus here, except that it has a button which allows you to do some things with different gestures (such as take a print screen, S Memo) (does other stylus comes with buttons too?). The S Pen is a bit thin to my liking though (I'm not sure about the size of other stylus), and I always fear that I would accidentally break it into two. I rarely use it because a) as I had mentioned earlier, out of fear of breaking it, b) out of fear of dropping it, which could lead to losing it and c) it's easier to use my fingers.

Another feature that makes Note such a hit, in my opinion, is the S Memo. You could type or use the S Pen for it. No, it does not feel the same as writing/drawing on a paper. In fact, my handwriting will become much worse when I write on the S Memo. And no, it won't make you better at drawing (sobs). I am amazed (and jealous) by how the artists could draw caricatures with it, while I barely could draw a decent circle with it.

Here are some doodles that have been done on my phone.

By sincerely yours
(my first doodle)

My fav, because I pretended I was a designer when I did this :D

Did this together with Ili

A rough draft of what I've been having in my head, kinda having to do with my inner state at the moment.

By Khalilah

If you noticed, the girl is almost the same with the one I did above. And she drew the guitar because I was playing it (miserably) at that time.

By Lily

Riddle for today.

I forgot who did this, when I came last weekend. It's either Khalilah or Lily.

By my section-mate, Hanan.

That's it for now. I hope this would suffice, Tati.

Till next post.

1 comment:

  1. the drawing app phone is too small:/ cant wait to get my hand on ur baby :p


You know that you want to.