A Sagittarius

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Not really a big believer in horoscopes. But I saw Tati's post, Star Sign, and so I checked out the link given.
Sagittarius or Archer is the zodiac's free spirit, a true traveller who's comfortable on the road. True to her form, Archer girl has a huge appetite for life, and her partner/ s must share that quality. Finding someone who would keep up with her endless quest for adventure and expansion is no mean task, but the Archer woman is not the one to be deterred. As a passionate, intellectual and independent fire sign, she throws herself in everything with the force of a speeding train. Ruled by expansive Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system), she is liable to think BIG. She, thus, needs a mate with a definite vision. And, he has to be grounded enough to reassure her when the going gets tough. Honest to the point of bluntness, she Archer, however, may drive her mate crazy with her dark humour and stinging remarks. But again, as zodiac's optimist, she always manages to see her mate's potential. Physical attraction plays a vital role in the Sagittarius woman's love domain. Yet, there's an innocence about this lady that's so very captivating. Free birds, these women, once they find true love, don't hesitate in settling down, though.

I highlighted the parts which I think is true. The rest is up to you to judge for yourselves (besides, don't you just love to do that? Judging?).

Hurm...since I'm a Sagittarius, maybe I should try archery? Haha.

Anyway, this reminds me, I used to love doing the online personality tests or read about personality based on your birth date/month/horoscope, and check out if the descriptions fit me.

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