The Perfect Day

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This is a (kinda) detailed post about what happened today. Feel free to not read this, if you are not into reading such stuff.


It doesn't take much (for me) to have a perfect, wonderful day. Take today for example. Nothing major happened. Yet, I feel today is one of the greatest days I've had.

I don't exactly had a really good night sleep because I fell asleep with the lights on, but I did wake up early. At first I thought I wanted to go back to sleep, but knowing I would be sleepy later, I chose to read a bit of CVS instead (yes, I was surprised by myself too). Had a nice breakfast and off to class with Aimi. Had to go to class a bit early because we were supposed to meet our professor for our assignment and I knew I would be late, but I took my time walking anyway, because most of the time, there will always be other person who comes later than me lol. When I arrived, I took the stairs to the fifth floor instead of the lift - so I could burn off more calories duh. I guess I *am* a bit unfit since I was out of breath by the time I reached the third/fourth floor. Glad that I took my time because we (finally) able to meet the professor about...30-45 minutes later.

After the meeting (which ended a bit late), rushed to the lecture hall, and the lecturer was mad with the latecomers. The lecture was boring. Couldn't really concentrate for the 2 hours. After that, had a practical section, and I saw a guy that I have a crush on - I always smile (like a silly person) whenever I see him...yes, crushes have that effect on me. Mind you, he's taken. The section was...better than the last section but it was still a bore (I think the whole module is boring).

Walked from the university to the bahr - that's sea for you. Had to wait for more than half an hour for a bus. I (almost) didn't mind having to walk and stand under the scorching sun. Saw *another* guy I have a crush on - who is taken also sobs - (yes, I have lots of crushes at the same time) on my way back home, which made me smile like an idiot again.

Did some workout (it was disgusting to sweat yet it was awesome at the same time), took a shower, ate and now am planning to sleep after I'm done with this post. It would be fantastic to end this great day by Skyping with this friend of mine, but since he rarely comes online - and even if he did, it's always late at night - I guess that will be for another day.

I know it's already night, but it's still not too late to end your day perfectly (especially if you had a rough day).


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