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I've always dream about becoming a writer. I love to write. I guess that's why I used to keep a diary since I was 11 years old until I was in high school. I forgot when was the exact time I stopped writing diary...I guess it's around the same time I started to blog, which was...eh I also forgot. And I also have a Twitter account, on which I love to babble my thoughts/feelings out, but I figured I don't need to document every little thing happening around me or inside my head, so now I try to limit my tweets.

However, I'm not very good in expressing my thoughts. In other words, I'm not very good in writing. The same as I'm not very good in drawing and singing and cooking and playing guitar and other things. I'm not very good in elaborating, I have poor vocab, my grammar sucks, and the list goes on.

Oh wait, I'm just rambling here. I'm supposed to do my assignment, since I am in no mood to study, but I was distracted by YouTube. Currently I'm listening to a band called Imagine Dragon. If I like them enough, they might go into my monthly songs update :) Oh and I am also planning my summer holiday. Shout out to my friends who are reading this (if there's any, sobs), I will be in Malaysia from end of July till early October (God willing), so maybe we could hang out some time. But oh wait, most of my friends are in West Malaysia...well, I still hope I could meet them ^^

Now why did I write this post again...?

Oh. Like I mentioned before, I was planning my summer holiday, and it struck me how important money is. Yeah, yeah, money is not everything, money cannot buy us happiness and bla bla bla. Spare me all those sayings. And I came across the saying 'they say money cannot buy us happiness, well, you must been buying the wrong stuff' or something like that. I couldn't agree more with it. Just gimme money and I would be happy as a clam to spend it :D

Ah couldn't think of anything else to write now.

Till next post :)

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