Of Writing (or Lack of It)

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Almost everyday, I will go to Blogger.com, click on the 'pencil' icon, stretch my hand out, ready on the keyboard, to type.Sometimes, I managed to write something (and somehow it always about something insignificant *sigh*). But in the end, I would delete the whole thing. Or sometimes, my hands will paralyzed on the keyboard, not able to type due to lack of idea. Or the words to convey my ideas. Yes, with billions of words available for each language (never mind the fact that I only know 2 languages), I still couldn't find the words to perfectly express my idea. Perhaps this is because of my lack of vocabulary, which I keep on using as an excuse for my poor/lack of writing, or because the perfect post for me is wordy yet all I could come up with is barely half of a page worth ( I blame my usual outburst/rant on Twitter about this).

There are time when I want to (try) write short stories instead. But then (there will always be a 'but'), seeing how uncreative I could be (one of my usual excuses), I chickened out. (I never really like doing stories anyway. In high school, I usually would choose fact over fiction for essay writing).

To other writers (blogs, books, whatever), please do acknowledge my jealousy towards your ability to write.

P/s: It's almost the end of the month. Couldn't wait to post new songs. I discovered 4 new bands this month :D (not that I like *all* their songs but it's always feel refreshing to listen to new stuff).

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