High School Drama

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I've realized that we'll never going to leave the high school scene. Not even when you are enrolling into university or got your first job. Heck, you could still witness the typical high school drama in our political situation.

Still remember that backstabbing bitch who pretended to be your best friend and all, but secretly spreading your deepest darkest secret that you'd make her promise to not to bare to another soul? Still remember that jerk who's been bullying other people to do his work while he's off fooling around, doing pranks on others? Still remember how gruesome and cruel the people in high school, with the name-calling, labeling, and rumors?

Keep in mind that you will seeing more of that after high school. The faces might be different, but the acts are exactly the same. The lies, the rumors. Everything.

However, remember your BFFs, who's always been there for you and make high school hurt less? They will still be there for you :) Hopefully.

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