Not Geeky Enough

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Just wanted to vent off some of my frustration.

First, our internet connection sucks. If I thought the connection was bad before this, it's even worse after we changed the internet guy. But I can't really do much about this since I'm not the one who has been going through a hard time dealing with the internet guy (and believe me, dealing with these people sometimes could be such a pain in the ass). Oh fine, to be fair, the internet seems to be working just fine these couple of days (after almost, what, 2 weeks of zero internet).

Secondly, we use cable (or wire?) for the internet (not wi-fi), which means I couldn't use the internet on my phone, which means I need to rely solely on my data plan if I wanted to go online, even when I'm at home, which means this sucks too! A friend suggested Connectify to create ad-hoc network or whatever you call it, and after days of figuring out why the heck my phone couldn't detect the network broadcasted, I *still* can't connect to the internet (after connecting my phone to Connectify). I also tried Virtual Router but it won't start. I know Google could do wonder for me (I wouldn't come as far to this if it weren't for Google tskk tskk) but I still haven't found a solution to my problem.

Thirdly, after I updated my wi-fi driver (or whatever it's called), I thought, 'hey, I actually managed to do it. Now let's try to update other drivers too, since it's so simple' and so I clicked on the 'update driver' for my display driver, and everything went perfectly fine until I played some videos on Youtube.

See the picture above? Notice the green bar and how the colour was off? Yeah they are pissing me off.

I don't know who I should ask, because the only person I trust with my laptop is deep in sleep at the moment (or so I think), and I don't really know anyone here who is good with computers and stuff.

So yeah.


  1. I can see Haziq Badri's name in your tab


    P/S - Hope you'll manage to get rid of this prob. Took pity on you lahhh. & btw, I sucks with this stuff too, yeah :\

  2. haha yeah i was messaging him at that time asking for help.


You know that you want to.