Of Laptop, LDB, Holiday and Blog Posts (Just random stuff actually)

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Am thinking of formatting my laptop since I've noticed the boot time (lol dunno the term) - ya know, the time it takes from switching your laptop on to the time it fully booted up (?) - is a bit longer than usual.

This is one of the moments when I  wish I know some shit about computers and stuff.

By the way, is Windows 8 any good? I just asked because I like the way it looks lol.

Moving on.

We'll be having an activity for our batch this Friday. The simplest way of describing the activity is Batch's Dinner but since the activity is during the afternoon (and calling it Batch's Lunch is somehow unglamorous), they named it Lancement De' Batch. Or LDB for short. I just can't wait for the video presentation and eating part.

Our exams will start on 14th of June (practical exam for respiration system), then on 23rd of June (effing final module AND sem for respiration, and yes both on the same effing date and time), followed by final sem for cardiovascular system on the 30th, and lastly on the 3rd of July, final sem for epidemiology.


Been planning my hols since couple of months ago lol. I even have made a list on things I wanted to bring back here! Places to go, things to do. Oh it's going to be such a lovely time. Plus, I miss seeing my mum. Haven't Skyped with her lately because we just Whats App most of the time.

Speaking of Whats App, I've been planning on a post about my most-used apps but I haven't get round to it yet. And there are 7 other drafts waiting to be published (actually I haven't write anything yet, I only saved the title lol). Will try my best to post them during the hols, but they are nothing special really. In the mean time, I will keep on posting useless stuff like this. Heh.

Peace out.

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