Of A Dream #2

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You know how they say dreams are what our subconscious mind trying to tell us, how they reflect our deepest desires etc etc. Well, I just had a dream and...well honestly I have no idea what does it mean (not that I'm an expert in analyzing and interpreting dreams).

There were several 'events' happened in my dream, and now that I try to recall them, they kinda morphed together and everything is a blur. But here's one thing that I (kinda) still remember perfectly.

I was in my high school's classroom. A bit like Saturday morning prep. There were about 4 people at my table, and we were talking (actually I think we were singing but whatever). And I saw this one guy, at first he was standing at the balcony, looking down (we were in the 2nd floor - 3rd if you're American) and next thing, he was jumping down from the balcony. Nope, he wasn't trying to kill himself. Maybe he thought it would be faster for him to reach the ground level that way, eh? Unfortunately, he landed on his chin at the balcony of the 1st floor. Let me just explain it by picture.

Makes sense now?

I don't know if he was safe or not after that 'ouch' land, but it was just a dream, eh?

Why does this matter to me? Because that guy was one of my many crushes. Been a while since the last time I hear anything about him. And even though I tried to convince myself that I'm over him, I can't help but to wonder about him sometimes. To make it worse, there's this guy in our batch who reminds me of him.


No point in thinking about someone who most probably won't remember you, right?

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