Of Tomorrow

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Just a quick update.

I'm currently obsessed with Pinterest. I've been repinning recipes, workout routines, and lo and behold, wedding ideas. Mostly wedding photography and invitation cards idea. Hmm this reminds me, I'm planning to post something about weddings.

Tomorrow is our last paper beaches! It's Epidemiology and Biostatistics. You would think I would love something that involves calculation. But nope. Because this one is Community Medicine and I just hate that subject (maybe that's because I'm not a people's person?). It is supposed to be an easy subject, since we only have 2 days for study leave and the book only has 70+ pages (excluding the practical book), which is a break from our typical 300++ pages of textbook. But reading the past questions, it doesn't look that easy. I guess you still need to read the book *sigh*. I miss doing Add Maths or Maths where I don't have to study a thing for the exam and still could get an A.

Moving on.

Since tomorrow is also the end of our 2nd year, my section has planned another potluck, BBQ-themed. Ah, I think my section is the greatest section of all (I might be biased here but whatever). I've baked Peach Crumble Cheese Cake (I believe that's the name), mum's recipe. We had a blackout few minutes before the oven's timer went off, so I panicked whether the cake was done or not. But I was tired (it was 3 in the morning, and that was the second cake I baked - I know, such an achievement!), so I couldn't bother. I just left the cake in the oven and went to sleep. When I woke up, I checked the cake and convinced myself that it's OK-ish (after sending a picture to mum, and she said it looks OK), covered it with cling film and stuck it in the fridge.

Couldn't wait to go back. Actually, I just couldn't wait for the exam to finish. Then it's holiday! Will be going to bro's place before going back. Expect pictures in a couple of weeks. Actually, make that a month, since I'll be busy helping mum with her cookies business. Unless if I could sneak some time :P

K back to the book. Wish us luck!

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