Of A Dream

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I just had the saddest (and weird) dream ever. Apart from that dream where I dreamed one of my family was dead.

In the dream, I was on a ship with my friends. But then there were lots of sharks around the ship. Weird thing is the sharks will only move around (or something) during the day. They could even jump around (?) like the dolphins (wtf they are not cute to jump around).

At one point, it was pretty dangerous for us to stay on the ship, so we went into this smaller boat (I thought it was even more dangerous to go into smaller boat since it's easier for the sharks to get us? -__-) and went to the shore. There were people waiting with some sort of blockade (I think it's for the sharks but the blockade was only less than knee-high). We went down from the boat and manned the blockade. I was manning the blockade at the far left, so instead of other people on my left, it was bushes. Kinda like a swamp I think.

Then, I heard a rustling sound from the bushes, so I quickly put the blockade in front of it and warned the others. When the sound finally hit the blockade, it was just a tiny fish. Heh. A guy (who was standing in the bushes) told me to throw the fish at him so he could throw it far, far away. And so I did. But every time I throw it, he would miss it and the fish would quickly find its way to me.

After third time trying, the guy told me to stop. He said, 'I think this is your friend, ****' (or something like that). I have a crush on **** (hence the ****, there's no way I'm telling you who is he), so knowing the fish that I'd thrown is him, it made me wailed. Real bad. The fish looked like it's going to die soon too, so it made me cry even more.

Trying to compose myself, I pet the fish, and it felt like we're the only persons there (the only person and fish, since one of us was technically not human). The fish told me (or sent me telepathic messages, I dunno) that he loved me. Has always loved me. Then, the fish died wtf. And I was crying. Before I woke up from the dream.

I know the dream sounds pretty cliche (except for the fish part. Heck don't ask me why he suddenly became a fish).

I thought about telling him how I feel about him, but it also means risking our friendship. And the risk of getting friendzoned. Besides, I promise myself not to get into relationship. No point in relationship if you won't know for sure that you'll be marrying your partner.

So anyway, that was it. My dream.

Till then.


  1. Dafuq I just read? o.O'

    Anyway, man the risk as how you manned the blockade. Getting friendzoned just means getting back to normal (friendship). Nothing to lose :)

  2. this is extremely hilarious!! hahaha


You know that you want to.