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There was a shooting case in my friend's campus. Some sort of armored car robbery I think.


It's 11 pm already and I have another chapter to read. Doing OK I guess but I'm feeling a bit distracted. Heh I'm always distracted when it comes to revision.

Discovered a band (I think it was a band) today called 'Passion Pit'. The vocalist sounds kinda...funny. In a good way. I've read comments in YouTube saying his voice is screeching. Or something like that. But I guess that's what makes him (and the band) unique. Told my friend about the band and he said he loves them because the music makes him happy or something.

Moving on.

Honestly, there's no point for me going online actually. I only go online for you, y'know. Hoping to catch you or something. Have a nice chat or something. I miss you.


If there's something about my life I could know beforehand, I wish it would be my love life. I read a couple of love stories in Reader's Digest website and it made me felt all fuzzy inside (what? I'm a bit of a romantic myself) and happy for them, but I can't help to feel a bit...down, for not having a love story of my own with a happily ever after ending. Well, not yet I hope.

Well, I guess it's time to hit the books back.


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