Do I Need Straight A's?

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This post is dedicated to lil bro because he said to me he actually reads my blog (aww) and because he will be having his SPM on November this year.


We all know the educational system in Malaysia is very exam-oriented. Make it a written exam one. Starting from primary school, parents and teachers have push and push us to do well in the many, many exams we face. To score for A's. And when it comes to the 'big' exams (UPSR, PMR and SPM), it's even worse. Extra classes, extra school works, tuition. And extra pressure too. The teachers want you to score for the school rank and the parents want you to score so they can gloat show off how smart and genius and clever their kid is, well, they *are* your parents, so they just want the best for you.

I will be frank here. I was one of the best students when I was in MRSM. I graduated second, and the difference between my pointer and the first was 0.01 only - or so I remember. Big bro was along the line of top students too. So I understand the pressure the lil bro is having. When your older siblings have done so well in their studies, people expect you to do the same. When your older siblings got straight A's for SPM, people expect you to get the same.

It sucks. To be compared and to be expected of getting the best. I know because, hey, I've been there. Even when you're the best student, you still feel the pressure, the burden on your shoulders to get the best. We're so anxious to get an A, we forget that getting all A's is not everything what student life is all about. Just because you get a grade other than A doesn't mean you blow your chance to further your studies.

However, a teacher of mine once said to me, 'getting straight A's might not seem *that* important, but it sure helps widening your choices and opportunities.' Which is true. You don't really want to kiss your dream job goodbye just because you fail to meet the minimum requirement needed for the course. Or having to 'hurt your pocket' (or your parents', more likely) because you can't apply for scholarship due to the slightly less than excellent result of yours.

My point is, A is not everything. Though it will be very helpful when you're trying to further your studies, once you're actually in universities, those A's you worked very hard for will be insignificant. It's like starting all over again. My advice when you're in this phase, don't be too stressed out in getting A's. Because employers won't hire you just because you get straight A's.

Till then.

P/s: All the best for your exam :D

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