Fashionista? NOT!

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Growing up with two brothers and no sister has made me, in a way, a bit boyish. Which means I have no sense of style or whatsoever. Remembering back how I usually dressed up when I was little, it was always t-shirt and pants. And even the pants were boys' pants! Haha. I did wear those dresses that little girls usually wear, but most of the time, it's pants for me.

No sister also means I don't have any guru to go to for wardrobe advice, for teaching me how to apply makeup the right way (not that I like to wear makeup anyway), or any of that matter you ask for your sister's help. I don't even know how to style my tudung. Hitting 20 in another few months, I realized my style hasn't changed that much. I still prefer jeans than skirts, I still choose simplicity over whatever is making the trend at the moment.

Despite all that, I love fashion (even though sometimes it doesn't make any sense to me). I love pretty clothes and high heels (never mind the fact that whenever I see high heels, I cringe, imagining the pain while wearing it). I love watching my friends getting dressed up (not watching them getting dressed, you pervs),getting  dolled up. But just because I love it, doesn't mean I want to dress like it. Feels weird, and just not me, ya know.

Anyway, I rambled about this because my high school will hold it's annual dinner on the 28th of September and of course I'm going. Bought my first eyeliner (which is liquid, and the hardest type of eyeliner to apply wtf) for the dinner. Since I don't have anyone to teach me how to wear it and I don't have anyone to help me wearing it, I've been googling (just once, actually) the how-to's and practicing. I think I'm getting better, but it still takes me quite some time. Haha.

Oh well. There's still plenty of time for practicing. 

A conspiracy theory: I personally believe the fashion industry is controlled by men. And what do all men (except the homosexuals) love? Ogling women's bodies. So what's the easiest way to do that? Selling clothes using the see-through material. Just say it's what's hot on trend and the women will surely buy 'em. Ugh. Don't really understand why there are women wearing these kinds of clothes. It's the same as not wearing any, anyway.

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