Of Driving

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I got my P license a day before I went to UIAM, and I never drive a car again after that. Well, there's this one time, I think, after I coaxed mum to let me practice my driving. She finally gave in. But that was the last time. Haha.

Now that I've got my full  license, I'm more eager to drive, since, honestly, what's the point of having a license if you still cannot drive? And so, mum paid a tutor (or do we call 'em instructors?) to tutor me (again) for 3 hours (because she doesn't want to get heart attack supervising my driving haha - no, seriously, that was what she told me). The plan was 1 hour using the tutor's car (you know, the car you initially learn with, the one with the 'L' sticker?) and another 2 hours using mum's (there's 'P' sticker on it. Mum never took it off since big bro got his P).

Everything went well during the first hour. What can go wrong when we use the tutor's car, right? Well, the car's engine went dead once, if I'm not mistaken (or was it twice?), and I got stuck while driving up a hill (Bukit Vor, if you guys know it), but other than that, everything is a-OK.

2nd hour, eh, not so much. I told the tutor I suck in parking (not that I've ever tried, but I know I'll still suck nevertheless), so we went to this place with parking lots and I practically spent an hour (or was it more?) trying to park the car. Then whenever the tutor told me to slow down the car, I noticed he would pressed his leg as if to press the brake pedal himself (please bear in mind I was using mum's car at the moment, not the tutor's, where there will be actually a brake pedal at his place), I feel like laughing! Oh c'mon, it was funny!

Despite being someone who was very good in physics, I totally suck in driving (if there's relation between 'em). Haha. I totally hate being cliche about females cannot drive, but I'm totally one of 'em. Can't wait to be rich, so I could hire a driver, instead of driving on my own. Or get married and have the husband to drive me. Haha.

Wish you were here. Then maybe you could help me with my driving xo

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