My Dream Jobs

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List of jobs that I'd considered and reasons of why I don't go for them.

1. Cartoonist/Artist.

Why: I've always love to draw (especially cartoons - but mostly because I suck in drawing the real thing), ever since I'm a little kid.
But: I realized my drawing capabilities are limited to various smiley

2. Author.

Why: I've been a bookworm ever since I could read, and writing a book doesn't look that hard back then. It's like writing an essay, with chapters.
But: I lack the creativity to write a saleable plot - let alone to write a bestseller - and after reading so many great books, I realized being an author is not merely stringing up words to form sentence after sentence, which eventually will form a complete book. You actually need to do research and stuff. So I do the next best thing I could. I blog.

3. Fashion designer.

Why: Other than drawing various smiley faces (refer to my dream job #1), I also love to draw dresses and clothes that I will most likely never wear.
But: After several episodes of Project Runway, I realized I need to know how to sew to actually become a designer, but I don't, so I don't.

4. Teacher.

Why: It's a noble job. Plus, the teachers still get their salaries during school holidays *ka-ching!*. And if the students like you, you might even get presents during Teachers' Day!
But: Mum told me if I really want to teach, be a lecturer instead. And seeing how (some of) the teachers nowadays are being treated, I feel lucky for not being one.

5. Race car driver (this is the latest one).

Why: Since the first time I drove a car, it never feels real. I feel like playing one of those arcade games. So, it's only natural to want to actually race. For real.
But: Oh c'mon, who am I trying to kid. Me, in a car race? I still find it hard sometimes to change the gear.

6. Dentist.

Why: You get paid more than the doctors, for a lesser workload (or that's what I've always think, anyway).
But: When I was deciding what to take after high school, mum suggested doing dentistry, but I didn't want to for the fear of bad breath *facepalm-ing myself right now*.

7. Doctor.

Why: Just because mum told me to.
But: A bit too late for 'but' now methinks. Let's just pray that I could go through till the very end.

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