KISS: Keep It Short and Simple

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Hello readers!

This is just a quick post to keep you guys up to date with my life (as if you wanted to know, ha!)

  • I am in an unusual good mood today and I hope it'll last till at least I sleep.
  • I've been in Egypt since 4th of October. Class has started since 7th, and we only get 1 day off, which means 6 days of lectures and practicals.
  • Our university changed the book system. Instead of buying one book per module, we need to buy books by subject, and we will use the same book throughout our third year. Some might like it this way, but frankly, I like how the book system was before (plus, human sometimes resist changes initially).
  • I created What's App group for us girls, and I glad I did. Because it feels like we're not that far apart. It feels like old times :')
  • I've been single for months now (hah why did I mention this in the first place?) and I really, really want to keep it that way at least for a year. But you only appreciate what you've lost and I gotta say, I kinda miss being in a relationship. I channeled this feeling to another person, but in the long run, it won't work anyway so why bother, right? At least I have the girls (see previous point). They always make me smile :)
  • Planned to go somewhere for Eid-ul Adha holiday.
  • I've pictures to post....just random stuff about things I'd done during the summer. But I guess that will have to wait.
That is all for now. Don't hate me for the non-informative, nonsense post.

Love you guys! xx

1 comment:

You know that you want to.