Summer 2012 in one post

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Went through my form 3's art file.

Found these drawings made by my friends (I asked them to draw for me :P)
Tried to draw again. Meh.
The brothers
1) Made it in Cadbury World. 2) Fav childhood junk food. 3) Learned sewing (more like how to draw patterns) with mum.
1) Got twin yolks thrice! 2) Baked potato for dinner. Bluergh.
Freaking HUGE bear! My cousin's.

The girls. The lovely girls :)

MRSM annual dinner.
Ordered cookies. Those packed ones contained about 7000 cookies altogether.
My special mama carries designs haha
Helped mum with these for someone's wedding (I did the eyes only though)
Made it and ate it.
A quick table tennis match, which I won. Haha.
Medical School, University of Edinburgh. Met a Sabahan when we were in Scotland.
An attempt of photobombing Burin's snapshot.
Hi, my name is Nisa and yes, this is my car. Problem?

1 comment:

You know that you want to.