Of New Ideas

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The great thing about having a Twitter account (or having an Internet access, basically) is I get to stalk take a peek at people's thoughts. Exposed myself to new ideas. However, by being able to do so means I am exposed to ideas and opinions that are out of the norm of *my* ideology. It's not always a bad thing. I can always learn from them, correcting my misconceptions and such. But it's when the ideas are conflicting with my own, when they shake my stand, so hard that I find myself dumbfounded, not knowing what to believe, not knowing what my say in it.

Ha, I bet some of you might think I am easily swayed. I guess you're right. I am. Especially when it comes to issues that I'm not very familiar with. In the end, to not make a fool out of myself, I resort to keep my mouth shut, stay at the sideline and observe. You would see me listening staring passively at the current issue that become the hot topic at the moment, but in my head, I'm probably debating from all sides possible. Because jumping on the bandwagon and voicing your opinion when you know very little about the matters in hand will not really make you look omniscient.

On the other hand, I have trouble in having my own opinion because in a way, I always care about what other people will think. And maybe because, deep down, I've always view this world as black and white, when in fact, it's a big blob of Fifty Shades of grey. Take LGBT for example. I don't support it, but I don't condemn it either. So does that make me a homophobic or hypocrite? I'm not pious, but I know my religion does not approve of such lifestyle, yet I find people of my religion openly support and fight for the rights of this kind of lifestyle.

There are plenty of issues that boggling my mind. Politics, religions, people et cetera. Not that they could help me pass in the exams.

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