That Slightly Longer Than A Quickie Post I Promised Myself To Write

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...because I couldn't come up with a better title.

I was actually planning to write a long post on the day the result for Pro Exam went out - which was 1 week ago, but things just get a little busy at home. With me cleaning the house, doing all the cooking and laundry...and of course. FRIENDS marathon. In fact, I've been watching wayyyy too much of that now so I gotta take a break. Oh, on a side note. I actually love the way they named every episode starting with 'The One...' so people could actually have this kind of conversation
A:Hey have you seen the latest episode of FRIENDS?
B: Which one?
A: Oh y'know, The One with The Ball

Genius I tell you.

Moving on.

It's quite a surprise that I actually still try keeping this whole blog thing alive. I mean, I've been blogging since what...7 years ago? And it's not that I'm trying to change the world with my view or something. Things I wrote down here are basically the same things I wrote in my diary. But I guess in this current world where we over share stuff, it's only appropriate of me to share my private life too. Heh.

And still on the subject of blogs, to the anonymous who left a comment on my last post, yes you. Hello. Thanks for the comment. It's nice to know that there's still someone out there who reads my blog. You may not know it, but I really appreciate it (the fact that you read my post and actually cared enough to waste 30 seconds of your life posting a comment).

OK. So how does it feel to study in Malaysia? Well, it is definitely feel a bit hectic. But then I didn't get to take clinical years in Egypt so it's not really a fair comparison. Admittedly, at times, I do feel like regretting my choice for moving back here and feel like giving up. And yes, there are moments where I think that I'm not good enough (and may not ever be) to actually become a competent doctor (and I might need to remove this part later when I start working). The only thing that motivates me is the fact that I will be working here later so going back earlier is actually an advantage. I get to see (and experience it a bit) the working environment in the local hospitals.

Oh, and to the doctors whom have helped me previously and those whom will, I just want to say, merci beaucoup for everything. I know none of them will be reading this, but still. You left an impact on my life. Special shout-out to Dr Wong in HQE and Dr ....(omgicannotbelieveiforgothisnamebutilovehimandnoimnottalkingaboutdrk) in HDOK because I love you guys.

Anyway. I was with a fellow friend the other day and we were talking about how the all the transfer students passed the Pro Exam, which is great and nice really but then hey here's a thought. What if maybe, just maybe, the school board decided to just let us pass? I am totally fine by it. Really. And I could totally believe it too. Well, at least in my case because haven't you heard about how bad I did in my short case? So anyway. If that is indeed true, I wish to know which part I'm lacking. Because a) I don't want to make us look bad, b) I miss doing actually good in school and worrying whether I could get an A or not instead of whether I could pass or not and c) I'm not gonna let UMS produce a subpar medical graduate (sheesh someone sounds a little bit too ambitious).

On a side note, y'know how you need to take core subjects when you are in uni? Yeah, we do. And there are like, four subjects and one of them is language. We supposed to take foreign language but it might be a bit hard, what with the time constrain and schedule and all that so we might have to take Advanced English instead. The writer in me, who loves to read and wants to write a book, leaped at the possible news but the same guy, who took 4 hours to write 3 paragraphs, also shrank at such news. Well, I just don't write enough and writing in 140 characters (that's Twitter for you commoners) everyday isn't really much of an exercise to become a good writer.

Now I'm just babbling on different topics but who cares.

I have tweeted this before but I'm gonna write this here too. Exams are really bad for my health. Especially to the health of my skin. One month before Pro Exam I started to have pimple breakout and day by day, oh boy, it's getting worse and worse! But right after Day 1 of exam, and poof! Just like that, them pimples disappear. If I'm gonna have breakout every time I'm stressed out, I don't know when I'm gonna have my crystal clear and smooth skin *cries*

I'm bored now so see you later. Hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm that anonymous, lol. Thanks for sparing 1 paragraph in ur entry for me. Hihi.

    Second last paragraph, I can totally relate. Ugh, especially when ur exam lasts for a few days in a row. Breakout like crazy.

    I do spend around 30 seconds (+-) with the comment I left, but sometimes I'm stuck for a few mins with the captcha below. Maybe I am a robot?

    Anyway, FRIENDS series, is it good? I think I'm gonna watch it later after I'm finish with the series I'm currently watching.


You know that you want to.