What Do I Fear Most

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...is being old. Most people might say death, and yes, death could be scary. How will you be dead, whether it's a slow painful one or a sudden incident, whether you could say goodbye to your loved ones, get some kind of closure, what's waiting for us in the afterlife and et cetera. It's inevitable. Every living things will soon die.

Getting old, however, is an option. Whether the option is in your hand or the Higher Power is another story. But yes. I'm scared of getting and being old. It's not the wrinkles I'm afraid of. It's the fact that I will be weak and barely have enough energy to walk. The fact that I might need help to go to the bathroom or feed myself. The fact that I might be the cranky old lady and my grandkids might not want to spend time with me. The fact that I might spend the last moment of my life alone.

It's kinda sad, really. But then, I'm not ready to die early either.

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