1. What's The Toughest Decision You Made Today?

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It's been awhile since I last wrote anything here. Partly because there's nothing blog-worthy is happening and mostly because I documented anything remotely worthy of documentation on Twitter.

Keeping in mind that I might need my writing skill (if there's any) to become a medical journalist of some sort - y'know, in case I didn't cut it as a practising doctor - so here's a post to brush up my writing. That's just an excuse. I'm really just procrastinating here to do my revision.

I came across this 100 Brave and Interesting Questions, and I might as well ask myself this questions, right? I will try to do all of them, but no promises. Plus, I might not do it in order.

So here's the first question: What's the toughest decision you made today?

I'm gonna cheat this one with a yesterday's answer; having to decline a free meal.

As someone who loves to eat, I rarely (I think never?) say no when someone offers me food. Plus, we all agree that free food taste a hundred times better. So when mom called me last night, asking if I wanted to join her to her friend's house for dinner, I was in dilemma. In one hand, I need to study. I know I might not study *that* much and might end up sleeping through the night anyway. In another hand, it's free food! Free delicious, scrumptious food! Who in their right mind will resist such temptation?! (I guess that will be me) And I can always bring my book to read over there, right?!

As an indecisive person, how oh how am I gonna choose?

That's when my laziness took over. I hadn't take my shower when mom called - and didn't plan to go for one any sooner, so with a heavy heart, I said no. Seriously, I almost cried afterwards (but that might be because of PMS too).

And that's the toughest decision I made today (or actually, yesterday). What about you?

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