I actually miss my real life

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NB:This post was written a couple of days ago and was only published when I could access the internet.

Have you ever been so far for so long, you just can't wait to get back to your old life? Have you ever been in a place that is so unfamiliar to you for so long, you are actually looking forward to get back to your same boring routine?

This is my 7th day away from Alex, and I actually miss it. Oh not really. I don't miss the people, the environment, or anything actually related to Alex. I just miss being in the comfort of my own home. My own room.

Anyway, I might start writing a diary again. But I'm not sure if I'll stick to it long enough. The only reason why that idea came to me is because I read a diary that has been left behind in our B&B in Verona. I know it's not good to read other people's private lives...but it was so tempting. Besides, I couldn't really figure out to whom it belonged, so in a way, no harm done.

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