What is love?

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How could you love someone you hardly even know? How could you give your heart to a person you have never met?

Tell me, because I need to know.

Tell me, because I'm starting not to believe in love.


You know what I would love to do right now?

To just run away. Leave this place. Be with you.


I wonder, do you realize that I've never say it back to you? And it doesn't bother you if I didn't say it?


Are you telling me the truth? How could I believe you?


I have lots of questions to ask you, but I don't know how to bring them up. Besides, you never seems to care to have a proper conversation with me.


In the end, you wouldn't be reading this. And I would be left here, all by myself, trying to sort my way through this puzzle.

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You know that you want to.