Happiness is the only infectious 'disease' you should be spreading

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I think one of the reasons why I laugh easily, even at silly things, is because I refuse to dwell on sadness.

I'm not saying I'm in denial. Nor I'm an emotional person who's always feel gloomy and miserable. I am generally happy with myself and my surrounding. Granted, there are certain things, if I were given the chance, I would love to change. But those things are not significant enough to give a big impact on my well-being. I could live with some imperfections.

Life is too short to focus your energy on stuff that makes you sad. It's tiring to give in to all those negativity. Besides, I refuse to live a sad life. When I become an old lady, I don't want to look back at my youthful days and only see the sad moments. When you go down the memory lane, you are reliving those moments. And I don't want to relive those sad, painful memories of mine.

I'm  not saying that I smile and laugh most of the time. No. And I'm not saying I've never cried either. No. In fact, I used to be a crybaby. But that's normal. You need to let go of your emotions too. If you keep everything bottled up, like fizzy drink that has been shaken, you could explode. Figuratively, of course. Maybe that is why, once in a while, when I watch/read sad movie/book, I cried my heart out. To release the build-up of emotions I've been suppressing over time. That, or I'm just overly emotional/sensitive and so engrossed in the movie/book.

To conclude, stop frowning. Stop giving out negative vibe. Be silly. Be happy. Smile, till your cheeks hurt. Laugh, out loud.


1 comment:

  1. okeh.
    nanti kita ketawa lagi cerita episod-episod mr bean yang kita suka.

    sebenarnya ketawa baca perkataan ni di bawah:

    Please prove you're not a robot

    rahsia awet muda... ^____^


You know that you want to.