What is a father?

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Who is 'father' to you?

Does it necessarily have to be someone who contributed to your genetic pool, to your mere existence on this planet?

What if, that same person, is also the one who is never there when you need him? Who is never there to witness your glorious moments? Who is never there to pick you up when you are at your lowest?
What if, that same person, is also the one who barely spends time with you? Who calls you only once a year? Who, if you are lucky enough, you meet only once a year?

Could you still call him 'father'?

What if, you never share a secret - or a private joke - with him?
What if, you never run to him when you're hurt, looking for comfort?
What if, you don't remember climbing on his lap or riding on his back when you were little?
What if, you don't remember when was the last time you spend - and enjoy - some time together?

Could you still call him 'father'?

Is it possible,to share the same traits, the same passions, the same hobbies, with the one you called 'father', yet you know nothing about him?
Is it possible, to sit and talk with the one you called 'father' for hours, yet you dread every second that passed?
Is it possible to look at the one you called 'father', and realized, he's just another character in your life?
Is it possible, to look at the one you called 'father', and feel like you are looking at a stranger?


Sometimes, I wonder, do you ever think about us?


I may have a father, but that does not necessarily mean I have a dad.

1 comment:

You know that you want to.