When does letting go becomes the best option?

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This is going to be a wondering, pondering post about love (and I'm narrowing the scope to love between a man and a woman, boyfriend and girlfriend etc etc). If you're not the kind who likes to discuss such subject, feel free to skip this post. The questions posed are not necessarily rhetoric. You are welcomed to answer any - or all. If you have your own questions, just shoot.


Could you love and hate someone at the same time? Could you fall out of love?

How would you know for sure it is love, and not other feeling? Such as lust? Or worse, sympathy? Could you mistaken the feeling of being comfortable (or secure) with someone as love?

Is it possible, if you couldn't imagine yourself being with someone other than that particular someone, yet at the same time, you couldn't imagine spending the rest of your life with that particular someone?

What if, your partner decided to walk away? What would you do? Are you going to let it be, or fight for it? But is he/she worth it? But doesn't the fact that he/she is willing to walk away indicates that he/she has fallen out of love? Can you make him/her falls for you again? And if you have tried - for so many time, for so hard - when would you decide that enough is enough, and it is time to let go, to move on?

How much would you let yourself hurt because of love? How many bumps, crashes, trips and blows are you willing to endure in the name of love?


Be honest to yourself. Don't you think that, if I truly love you with all my heart, I would not do what I had done? I'm not saying that everything is a lie. But I'm not saying that everything is the truth either. I guess I was just confused.

I hope you will not hate me for this. But how could you not, if I hate myself too, for doing this to you?

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