This is not an airline review

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Greetings fellow readers.

We went to Italy by Emirates, which is, I quote from the its website, "a fast-growing international airline with one of the youngest fleets in the sky and more than 400 awards for excellence worldwide."

 I really love the way they treated us (on our first flight anyway). The flight attendants were good-looking (no, I'm not talking about the male flight attendants only. There was this one stewardess, very pretty in my opinion and has cute voice, like a cartoon), and they even greeted us by 'my lady' and 'sir', which really made me feel...(because I couldn't think of a better word at the moment) appreciated. It made me feel important.


A - overly used by me - joke:

Bur: ( regarding the 'my lady/sir') And this is just the economy class. What did you think they use for the business/first class?
Me: My baby. Haha.


So anyway, I'm not going to talk about how marvellous Emirates' service is. That was just an example how making someone feel appreciated, special, important etc etc could make a difference.

There are days when we feel like we're nobody. No one recognize our presence. We are treated as another figure, another object. Then we found ourselves asking, 'what's the point of my existence?'

There are times when we had put our everything into a task given to us. We worked our asses off to make sure everything is perfect, flawless. But other people don't even look at what we'd accomplished. Then we found ourselves asking, 'what's the point?'

Would you feel the same way, if people appreciated your work, your presence?

Of course not.

And this is not just about ourselves. This is about other people too. If you and me feel this way,  most probably other people feel it too. So do your part in making a better community and start showing your appreciation to those around you. While you're at it, don't just stop there. Show your gratitude, your affection. It will make someone's day. And if everyone does this, maybe the world will become a better place for all of us.

*abrupt end of post*

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