Midnight Rambling

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My hands are itching to blog something, to type anything. So here I am, in the darkness of my solace room, lit only by my laptop screen, trying to be humorous and wise but failing miserably.

So anyway, I didn't go to class yesterday. Could hardly wake up, since I slept at 4 in the morning (and my class was at 8). Stayed up studying (just a little bit though). Tried to study again after I woke up but let's just say I was easily distracted.

Baked cheese cake in the evening, which although it didn't turn out bad, it wasn't great either :( But people said (the 2 or 3 people who had tasted it) it tasted great. Not sure if they truly meant it or didn't want to hurt my feelings.

Out the whole night accompanying Ili to the tailor for her dress. At first, when she sent her dress in the morning, the tailor said it would be done at 6 p.m. So when we went there around 9, we thought it would be done. But surprise, surprise (not), the dress was still untouched. And so the tailor asked us to come back after 30 minutes. Long story short, we ended up waiting for about an hour.

On totally unrelated story, I'm starting to warm up (?) to the idea of being single the rest of my life. I just can't see myself married to anyone. But life always has its own way to surprise you. So who knows, I might be walking down the aisle (or in my case, witnessing my husband saying the akad) by next year (lol totally unlikely).

Ah it's way past my bedtime (as if I had a bedtime).

Till then.

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