Before Flying Off

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OK technically I won't be boarding any plane today, which means I'm not flying to anywhere today. Instead, I - we actually, because there's Burin and me - will be going to Cairo. By tremko (the people here call it micro bus I think. It's the equivalent of mini bus in Sabah). Why not using the air-conditioned, comfortable, spacious train you asked? Because the tickets were sold-out. Demmit! Another reason to hate summer.

So anyway, I think I'm packed to go. Except I don't know where to stuff the other 3 novels that I haven't read. I will be bringing two bags home, and one of the bags is killing me! It's heavy, even though it's a cabin-sized bag! Well, I guess that's because there are 2 large and 1 small pans, 4 or 5 novels, 2 module books and a bottle of olive, among other things. Lucky it's a wheeled bag.

OK time to put finishing touches to the packed bags (hah!). Pray for our safety, will ya?

Till then.

P/s: June songs update will be postponed. Sorry! In the mean time, try listening to Maroon 5's new album: Overexposed. They will be coming to Malaysia this September. Woot woot!

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